Categories: Other Sex Stories

Alexiss Home Cumming

Alexis’ Home Cumming

It had been far too long since Alexis had enjoyed the pleasure of a good fuck. Her last relationship had ended in heartache and she was determined to not let that happen again.

So, when her work colleague had suggested she use a high-end escort service, she was hesitant but decided to give it a try. She wanted a night of pleasure that was all about her, and she was sure she could find it with the right escort.

And that’s exactly what she did.

When she arrived at the exclusive escort service, she was immediately taken with the atmosphere. It was luxurious, yet sexy, and she felt like she was entering a world of possibility.

She was greeted by a friendly receptionist who showed her to the private lounge area where she could select her perfect companion from the extensive catalogue. She browsed the selection, her eyes drawn to the gorgeous photos of the escorts.

She eventually settled on a stunning brunette called Alexiss. The moment she saw her, she knew she was the one.

She booked a two-hour session with Alexiss for the next evening. That night, she couldn’t sleep as she imagined the pleasure she would experience in the hands of such a skilled escort.

The next evening, Alexis nervously waited for Alexiss to arrive. When she did, she was even more beautiful than in her photos. She was dressed in a tight red dress and high heels, and Alexis could barely contain her excitement.

Alexiss welcomed her in and they chatted for a few minutes, Alexis telling her all the things she wanted to do and the pleasure she wanted to receive.

Then they began.

Alexis was in awe of Alexiss, who showed her techniques and positions she had never even dreamed of. They kissed and caressed each other, exploring each other’s bodies with delight.

Alexis moaned with pleasure as Alexiss expertly sucked and licked her nipples, exploring her body inch by inch. She felt like she was in a dream as Alexiss moved down to her inner thighs, teasing her and making her want more.

Alexis gasped as Alexiss moved up to her clit and began to lick and suck her. With each lick and swirl of her tongue, Alexis felt herself get closer and closer to orgasm.

When she finally reached her peak, it was like nothing she had ever experienced. Her entire body quivered with pleasure and she screamed out in pleasure.

Afterwards, Alexiss lay with her, caressing her and kissing her with tenderness. Alexis felt completely satisfied, content in the knowledge that she had found the perfect escort.

The following day, Alexis returned home feeling on top of the world. She had finally experienced the pleasure she had been missing and it felt amazing.

For years afterwards she would remember the pleasure and passion she shared with Alexiss and the amazing home cumming session they experienced together.

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