Categories: Other Sex Stories

First Time In Panties

First Time In Panties – A Steamy Erotic Tale

She couldn’t believe it. She had never done anything like it before. She was standing in front of the mirror, analyzing her reflection. She was wearing a pair of white lace panties that she had bought just the other day. Her heart was racing, her palms were sweating and her cheeks were flushed. She wanted to back out, but deep down she knew she couldn’t. This was something she wanted to do, and it was finally time to take the plunge. It was time for her to experience her first time in panties.

It started with just a whisper. She heard a voice in her head telling her to do it, to take the risk and to let herself feel something she never had before. She was scared, but she was also excited. She knew it was dangerous and could end in disaster, but she couldn’t help herself. She wanted to feel what it was like to experience being in panties for the first time.

So, with shaking hands and pounding heart, she pulled the panties up her legs and over her hips. She gasped as she felt the fabric against her skin, and her heart skipped a beat as she looked in the mirror. She was surprised to see how much she actually liked it. She felt naughty and daring, and she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the reflection in the mirror. She was mesmerized by the sight of her body in panties.

The night had come and gone quickly, and she was still wearing the same pair of panties she had put on earlier that evening. She had explored her body in them, caressing and licking her nipples as she slipped her fingers in and out of her panties. She had finally gotten up the nerve to masturbate, and when she had finally come, she had been overwhelmed by the wave of pleasure that washed over her entire body.

It was then that she decided it was time to take her panties wearing to the next level. She was going to let someone else see them. She was going to let someone else take pleasure from them. She had arranged a meeting with a local escort, and tonight was the night. She had butterflies in her stomach as she left her apartment and entered the car that was waiting for her.

The escort was a man who went by the name of “Kirk”. She was expecting a rough and tough guy, but she was surprised to see a tall, attractive man waiting for her. He spoke with a soft, comforting voice and seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say. They got in the car, and she could feel the anticipation growing inside of her as they sped through the city.

When they arrived at the hotel, she felt her cheeks flush. She had never been in a hotel like this one before, and it made her feel both intimidated and intrigued. Kirk led her to the room, and when they entered, she gasped. The room was filled with candles and the scent of incense, and she felt her heart skip a beat. He walked her to the bed and motioned for her to lie down.

She obeyed and lay down on the bed, feeling more exposed than she had ever felt before. She was wearing nothing but her panties, and she felt incredibly vulnerable. She closed her eyes and waited, her entire body shaking with anticipation. Then, suddenly, she felt Kirk’s hands on her body. He began to slowly caress and stroke her, sending an electric current through her entire body.

Kirk’s hands moved slowly down her stomach and along the waistband of her panties. She felt a wave of pleasure rush through her as his fingers dipped beneath the fabric and explored her innermost secrets. She gasped and moaned as he explored her further, his fingers slipping between her thighs and running along her sensitive skin.

Kirk moved down her body and positioned himself between her legs. Her breath caught in her throat as his lips pressed against her. She moaned with pleasure as his tongue explored her, slowly and deliberately. She felt the intensity of her pleasure growing, and her entire body was trembling with desire. She knew Kirk was experienced in pleasuring women, and she felt the sensations coursing through her like an unstoppable force.

Kirk moved away, and she sighed in disappointment as his lips and hands left her body. He brought her hands up, and she almost gasped in shock as she felt him slip a pair of handcuffs onto her wrists. She felt her heart racing, and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She had never been handcuffed before, and she wasn’t sure if she would be able to handle it.

Kirk seemed to sense her fear, and he leaned down and kissed her softly. He whispered in her ear, telling her she was beautiful and that he would take care of her. She felt her fear dissipate and her body relax as she surrendered to him and let him take control.

Kirk then moved back down her body, and she gasped in pleasure as he removed her panties. She felt as if he had exposed her entire body and soul to him, and she closed her eyes in pleasure as she felt his hands, lips and tongue explore her most intimate areas. He made her feel as if she was the only woman in the world and that he wanted nothing more than to make her feel incredible pleasure.

He moved between her legs and inserted himself inside of her. She gasped in pleasure as she felt his hardness thrust into her. She felt her body respond to each thrust as if it had been programmed to do so, and she cried out in pleasure as the sensations coursing through her body grew more and more intense. He rode her harder and faster, and when they both reached orgasm, she felt as if her entire universe had just exploded.

As they both lay there, panting in the aftermath of their passion, she felt a deep sense of satisfaction that she had finally done it. She had finally experienced her first time in panties. It had been thrilling, exhilarating and a little bit naughty, and she knew that it wouldn’t be her last time.

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